Localized SSH bruteforce attempts
Lately, my honeypot has seen an upsurge in SSH bruteforce login attempts. Among quite a few attackers, one particular IP address in Italy – – is seen more often than the others. I’m seeing login attempts from this IP on other systems as well, so this is a busy one.
What’s funny about this round is that the attackers seem to use localized name lists, as I’ve registered a lot of Norwegian-looking names. The attacker/botnet script tests SSH logins with login name and the number 1 appended to it as a password (e.g. adam / adam1), so if your password is your login name + 1 you should change it ASAP 🙂
It’s also worth noting that there are only boys’ names on the list…
This is the most recent extract:
adam aleksander anders andre andreas arne aslak bendik bjorn christian daniel eirik erik feliks gabriel geir gunnar henrik henry inge isak jacob jason jo johan jonas junior knut konrad kristian lars lasse magnus marius markus martin ole pal peter philip runar sander sigve simen sindre snorre stian sveinung thor thorbjorn tom