Author Archive

Replacing missing web site content with Varnish

In one of my web server setups, I’m using Varnish as a reverse proxy in front of NGINX. The server hosts multiple web sites and CMSes, and I wanted to make the web server deliver a default robots.txt if the web site did not already provide one. Varnish makes this pretty easy, by reviewing the […]

Monitoring Suricata detection

The Suricata IDS is an extremely nice piece of software with multiple deployment scenarios, including inline and with mirroring or taps. The process itself usually runs without any problems, but as with any setup with multiple moving parts there are things that can go wrong. Monitoring and making sure the Suricata processes itself is easy […]

Filebeat on a Raspberry Pi

I’ve recently revamped my home network security monitoring. Currently I’m capturing and streaming all network traffic on my MikroTik router’s outside interface to a remote sensor, namely a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB RAM running Suricata IDS. Suricata’s log is read by Elastic’s Filebeat and shipped to an Elasticsearch instance, making the data available […]

Traffic capturing and streaming with MikroTik – revisited

I’ve recently revamped my home network security monitoring. Currently I’m capturing and streaming all network traffic on my MikroTik router’s outside interface to a remote sensor, namely a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB RAM running Suricata IDS. Suricata’s log is read by Elastic’s Filebeat and shipped to an Elasticsearch instance, making the data available […]

Compiling Suricata IDS on a Raspberry Pi 4

I’ve recently revamped my home network security monitoring. Currently I’m capturing and streaming all network traffic on my MikroTik router’s outside interface to a remote sensor, namely a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB RAM running Suricata IDS. Suricata’s log is read by Elastic’s Filebeat and shipped to an Elasticsearch instance, making the data available […]

Making working from home even lazier

Working from home encourages home office optimization. During the COVID-19 period, with way more video conferences than usual, certain improvements were found necessary. I guess everyone that’s been in a video meeting where more than one participant used a regular mic and regular speakers has experienced the wonders of audio feedback. That prompted me to […]

Blocking coronavirus scam mails in Postfix

As always, scammers and phishers use newsworthy events to their advantage. The coronavirus pandemic is no exception. All over the worlds, security researchers observe phishing and scam attempts. Samples for studying and for awareness training are collected at various sites, including A large number of security researchers have joined forces to establish a cyber […]

SMTP honeypots: Extracting events and decoding MIME headers with Logstash

One of my honeypots runs INetSim which, among many other services, emulates an SMTP server. The honeypot is frequently used by spammers who think they’ve found a mail server with easily guessed usernames and passwords. Obviously I’m logging the intruders’ activities, so I’m shipping the logs to Elasticsearch using Filebeat. Shipping the regular INetSim activity […]

A series of unfortunate events

A customer of my employer Redpill Linpro was recently the target of a DDoS attack. While investigating the attack, we found a large number of HTTP requests with the User-Agent named CITRIXRECEIVER. The clients performed GET requests to multiple URLs on the customer’s web site at the rate of several thousand packets per second. The […]

Perfectly synchronized dual portscanning

The other day while reviewing my fireplot graphs, I noticed (yet) another portscan. They’re not unusual. This one took around four and a half hour to complete, and covered a lot of TCP ports on one IPv4 address. That’s not unusual either. The curved graph shown below is caused by the plot’s logarithmic Y axis, […]